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Safeguarding Children

This policy is written in conjunction with our policy for Safe Use of the Computer and ICT, Non Attendance, Safe Working Practices and Code of Conduct, Staff Recruitment and Retention, Health Safety and Hygiene, Volunteers in Nursery, Students in Nursery.

Ladybirds Nursery is committed to the welfare and safety of the child. We will work with children, parents and the community to ensure the rights and safety of children and give them the very best start in life.

We take our role seriously and work together with other agencies to ensure adequate arrangements are in place to identify, assess and support those children who are suffering from harm.

There is a culture of safety at Langshott Ladybirds Nursery, every member of staff, volunteers, students, parents, carers and Committee members have a responsibility to report concerns to the Manager (Linda Jones).

  • To support each child’s development, enabling them to feel secure, confident and to grow in independence.
  • To provide a safe and secure environment in which the child feels confident and able to share their feelings or worries with a caring adult.
  • To promote core British values at an age appropriate level, (introducing the concept of democracy, the rule of law, individual freedom, mutual respect and tolerance).
  • To follow a systematic means of monitoring of children known or thought to be at risk.
  • To follow a structured procedure in cases of suspected abuse.
  • To ensure that all staff or volunteers working directly with children have Enhanced DBS Disclosures in place (applicants since July 2015 will be required to register for the DBS update service) and the nursery meets it’s responsibilities under the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 and Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018 and The Children Act 2004 and The Childcare Act 2006.
  • To ensure that we have a robust and transparent staff/volunteer recruitment and induction programme and safe working policy and procedures.
  • To review and update our procedures regularly.
  • To promote effective multi-agency working.
  • To work closely with outside professionals who are involved with the child.
  • To maintain appropriate levels of confidentiality.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is the Nursery Manager, Linda Jones.

The deputy DSL is the assistant nursery manager, Candy Earle and, in her absence, Karen Wormley

All members of staff have received child protection awareness training and update this training when required.

The DSL is responsible for referring a child if there are concerns about possible abuse.

Referrals should be made to the …

Surrey Children’s SPA (Single Point of Access)

0300 470 9100

(operating between 9:00am and 5:00 pm)

 The public number for new social care or child protection enquiries with regard to allegations against staff is : 0300 123 1650 (LADO) option 3.

Emergency Out of Hours

In the case of an emergency out of hours the Emergency Duty Team may be contacted on 01483 517898 (option 2 for advice only).

Where we are concerned for a child’s immediate safety the nursery will call Surrey Police 999.

Further information can be found at or within the nursery turquoise safeguarding file which is stored in the office of Langshott Ladybirds Nursery.

Prevent duty helpline : D of E (raising concerns relating to extremism)

0800 789 321

NSPCC FGM Helpline

0800 028 3550

Role of Designated Safeguarding Lead
  • The DSL will act as the contact point for staff to discuss concerns.
  • Follow advice on flow charts in ‘What to do if you’re worried a child is being abused’. A copy of which is stored on the nursery laptop in ‘my documents’ and can also be downloaded from
  • If in any doubt about what to do, seek advice from the South East Duty Team for confidential advice. (In this instance the name of the child or parent should not be disclosed.)
  • Follow guidance on safeguarding from up to date information online at
  • Keep written records of concerns even if they do not require or result in referral.
  • All telephone referrals to social care via contact centre must be followed up within 48 hours, with a written referral using the interagency referral form . Up to date forms downloaded from
  • When a referral has been made, a social worker should respond within one working day, telling the referrer what further action they have decided to take. This will be followed by an assessment, by the social worker, based on the needs of the child, within 45 working days. Further information on this process can be found in ‘Working together to Safeguard Children’ and ‘What to do if’.
  • Ensure confidentiality of all written and spoken concerns and referrals. To keep these separate from all other forms of record keeping.
  • An early help assessment may be completed, this remains at the nursery whilst the child is on role.
  • Liaise with other professionals and outside agencies, when sharing information with other professional or outside agencies reasonable precautions will be taken to ensure information is passed on a need to
    know basis.
  • Identification of agencies seeking information will be verified.
  • Attend, or ensure that an alternative staff member attends case conferences and planning meetings. Provide a written report which has been shared with the parents.
  • Attend or head a team around the family (TAF) where required.
  • Ensure that if a social worker steps down a child from a Protection Plan that a multi-agency meeting is held to plan for next steps for the child.
  • Ensure that if a child who is on the Child Protection Register is absent for more than two consecutive sessions without explanation, (dependant on individual case requirements), that this if referred to the child’s social care team.
  • Ensure that all staff are aware of their responsibilities with regard to safeguarding children and are familiar with the ‘what to do if you’re worried a child is being abused’ document and also with the Surrey Safeguarding procedures manual and Prevent Duty.
  • Ensure that staff safeguarding training will be updated every 3 years for play workers.
  • Ensure that safeguarding training will be updated every 2 years for the DSL and deputy DSL.
  • Obtain updates and bulletins of Safeguarding Children from Staying Safe – DSL
  • Information about individual children with regards to child protection cases are stored in a locked cupboard and records follow the child to their next placement. A receipt for child files passed on will be required.
  • Ensure that parents and carers are aware of our policies and procedures (these are clearly displayed in a folder on the table to the left of the door into the main nursery room).

Effective Family Resilience

As a nursery in Surrey we are part of the Early help offer (Effective Family Resilience). Levels of need threshold document with associated timelines and information is available on the Surrey Safeguarding partners website:

Surrey Children’s single point of access is an umbrella term used to describe the point of entry for all requests for support. It consists of three service areas
● Request for support team (RFST)
● Multi agency partnership team (MAP)
● Early help hub (EHH)

DSL should follow the flowchart of when and how to share information when deciding if and when to share information. ‘Effective early resilience Surrey Every Child in Surrey matters’ stored in the turquoise
safeguarding file.

A model for meeting children and families’ needs is within the above document.

What to do if you are concerned for a child’s welfare
What to do if……….
  • You have concerns for a child in the care of Ladybirds Nursery.
  • A child tells you something that concerns you.
  • You see or suspect an adult of neglecting or abusing a child at nursery.
  • You are concerned about the conduct of the nursery manager or assistant nursery manager.

Every member of staff, volunteer, committee member and student has responsibility to report concerns to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Nursery Manager Linda Jones.

Staff are trained to recognise the signs that a child may be suffering from physical, emotional and sexual abuse or neglect, or may be witnessing this or other forms of abuse . These may include honour based violence, parental imprisonment, sexualised behaviour, self harm, radicalisation, FGM, forced marriage, breast ironing, child sexual exploitation, disguised compliance, witnessing older siblings or parents sexting, using images, inappropriate films or games.

Children may demonstrate this through:

  • Significant changes in their behaviour.
  • Deterioration in their general wellbeing.
  • The things they say.
  • Changes in their appearance, their behaviour or play.
  • Unexplained bruising, marks or signs of possible abuse or neglect.
  • Any reason to suspect abuse or neglect outside the setting.
  • Inappropriate behaviour displayed by any person working with the children, e.g. excessive one to one beyond expectations of their role, sexual comments, inappropriate sharing of images.

Concerns about a child or another adult in nursery should always be reported to the DSL.


If the DSL is not available concerns should be taken to the deputy DSL Assistant Nursery Manager Candy Earle.

If you have concerns for a child in the care of a member of Ladybirds staff, please bring your concerns straight to the DSL.

If your concerns are about the conduct of the DSL you must raise this with the deputy DSL.

Concerns involving both the DSL and deputy DSL must be reported to the Management Committee Chairperson and OFSTED (contact details for OFSTED are on the main notice board in the nursery room).

If a staff member has concerns for a child with regard to FGM , child trafficking or extremism they must report their concerns straight to the police. This will be followed up by a referral to the South East Referral Hub.

Confidentiality must be maintained at all times

If a child offers information that concerns you, listen to the child, reassure the child that you have listened to them and then report the incident to the DSL immediately. If appropriate, use open questions or words of support to comfort a child e.g. ‘has something happened?’. A written report of the disclosure or observation will always be made, using the exact words spoken by the child where possible, the name of the person reporting the concern, date and time of disclosure, observation, and name of any other persons present at the time. Records will be signed and dated and remain on file attached to the individual child’s notes.

Parents of children attending nursery with pre-existing injuries will be asked to sign an incident report of which a copy is given to the parent and a record kept at the nursery. Unusual marks, injuries or bruising on a child must be reported to the DSL.

On receiving a reported concern the DSL is responsible for following the procedures set out in the Langshott Ladybirds Nursery Safeguarding Children Policy/role of DSL.

Staff involved in cases where a child is at risk of harm or for whom they have expressed a concern may find the situation upsetting or stressful. These staff will have the opportunity to talk with the DSL who will obtain further support for the staff member if required.

The nursery is aware of factors that may affect a child’s emotional or physical wellbeing.

Disclosures of information or concerns once passed to the DSL will be acted upon with regard to the individual case. The DSL will report back to the person who disclosed to confirm what action has been taken. If there are any concerns that the matter has not been dealt with efficiently then the matter can be taken to the deputy DSL or the main committee of Ladybirds nursery. In this instance advice can be sought from the Surrey Safeguarding Partners (Contact LADO, details in front of turquoise safeguarding file).

Informing Parents

If we have a concern about a child we will share these concerns with parents/carers, however, if sharing these concerns puts the child at risk of significant or further harm we will seek advice from the duty manager at
Surrey County Council Safeguarding Children Contact Centre.

Parents are normally our first point of contact, we will discuss concerns with parents to gain their view of events, unless we consider this may put the child in greater danger.

The nursery will inform parents when we make a record of concerns in their child’s file and that we also make a note of any discussion we have with them regarding a concern.

Signs of bruising in a child who is not independently mobile (usually those with disability or under 2 years of age) will always be disclosed to the DSL and referred to the Surrey Safeguarding Children Contact Centre.

Parents of the individual child will be given a leaflet explaining the concerns and what to do next (what’s going on leaflet, downloadable from

Liaising with other agencies

The nursery works within the Surrey Safeguarding Partners Guidelines.

Langshott Ladybirds Nursery will work closely with professionals as part of an ongoing safeguarding case.

The current version of ‘What to do if you’re worried a child is being abused’ is available at Langshott Ladybirds Nursery. (A copy is held on the computer and a summary can be found in the turquoise safeguarding file in the
office, all adults may request to see either at any time.)

The nursery maintains up to date contact information for the Surrey Safeguarding Children Contact Centre, including emergency numbers for out of hours disclosures or advice.

Ofsted are notified of any incident or accident or change in our arrangements which may affect the wellbeing of children.

Any allegation against a member of staff will be reported to Ofsted within 24 hours, followed in writing within 14 days.

Supporting and Safeguarding Children

We aim to promote a caring, safe and positive environment within Ladybirds, where the child can thrive and develop strong, trusting relationships with staff and volunteers.

If we have a concern about a child we will share these concerns with parents/carers.  However, if sharing these concerns might put the child at risk of significant harm we will seek advice from the duty manager at Surrey Contact Centre.

  • The nursery will maintain statutory ratios of staff to children as legislated in the Revised Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2023.
  • Job applicants are clearly informed that the post is exempt from the Rehabilitations of Offenders Act 1974.
  • The nursery will operate a policy for safe recruitment and provide an induction process for all new staff members.
  • Staff will be supervised and receive regular supervisory meetings with regard to safeguarding.
  • The gate to the main boundary is locked with a padlock whilst children are on site.
  • We have procedures for recording address and contact details from visitors to our nursery.
  • Visitors to Ladybirds will be required to have an appointment prior to their visit and to confirm their identity before being allowed onto the premises.
  • Visitors without appointments will be asked for proof of identity. If the visitor is unable to produce proof of identity they will be asked to wait outside the nursery site whilst their identity and reason for visit is confirmed by phoning their company. Visitors who we are unable to identify will be asked to make an appointment and bring suitable identification with them for their visit.
  • Visitors are not to be left alone with children.
  • Visiting parents and carers of children in attendance will never be left alone with either their own, or other children.
  • Staff take steps to ensure that our policy and procedures for the use of cameras and mobile phones (this will include all electronic devices with imaging and sharing capabilities) in the nursery is maintained and upheld.
  • Daily risk assessments for inside and outside will be carried out at the start, middle and end of the day.
  • Risk assessments with regard to specific activities or equipment will be carried out and referred to regularly.
  • We will listen to children and value their views.
  • We will introduce how to keep ourselves safe (including online) as part of our planning for PSE development, supporting and encouraging children to build self- confidence and resilience. Parents may be asked to tell us how much internet access their child has at home and given advice on how to keep their child safe online.
  • We will support children as they learn the language of feelings and responsibility.
  • We will actively promote inclusion and tolerance.
  • We will create and promote a culture of respect for individuals, their ideas, beliefs, culture, faith, family and community.
  • A respect for property and belongings will be promoted.
  • Support children as they learn right from wrong, support sharing and negotiation.
  • Promote the nursery rules and an understanding of the need for rules.
  • We will challenge stereotypes, promoting the value and diversity of others’ experiences.
  • We will provide resources and activities that challenge gender, cultural or racial stereotyping.
  • We will keep a careful and confidential record of accidents and incidents, including all changes to children’s clothing. Parents/carers will be asked to sign the accident/incident slip and will receive a copy. The nursery copy is stored overnight in a locked cupboard.
  • We will work and liaise closely with outside professionals and agencies involved in safeguarding children.
  • Signs of bruising in a child who is not independently mobile (usually those with disability or under 2 years of age ) will always be disclosed to the DSL and referred to the Surrey Safeguarding Children Contact Centre. Parents of the individual child will be given a leaflet explaining the concerns and what to do next (what’s going on leaflet, downloadable from
  • We will provide continuing support to a child for whom there have been or are ongoing concerns following guidance in Effective Family Resilience in Surrey and Statutory guidance from The Surrey Safeguarding Children Partnership and Working Together to Safeguard Children. The DSL will liaise with outside agencies and professionals (please see role of Designated Safeguarding Lead). When the child leaves Ladybirds Nursery we will ensure that relevant information is passed to their new school in the form of verbal sharing of information and a written report where appropriate.
Online Safety

Staff will follow the procedure for child protection if they have a concern regarding the online safety of a child.

Please also see our Policy for ICT which is in conjunction with this policy.

For further information please click here

  • Ladybirds Ladybirds recognises that all matters relating to safeguarding children are confidential.
  • The DSL will disclose information to other members of staff on a need to know basis.
  • All members of staff are aware of their responsibilities to share any concerns they have, for the welfare of a child, with the DSL or other agencies or professionals and to follow the flow chart of key principles
    for information sharing. This is displayed in the office.
  • We will share information with parents/carers if it is our intention to refer a child to social care, however, should this put the child at further risk of harm or undermine the prevention, detection or prosecution of a serious crime, or interfere with any potential investigation, we will seek further advice from The Early Help Assessment co-ordinator at the Surrey County Council South East Team.
  • When contacted by an outside agency, the member of Ladybirds staff must ascertain the identity of the contact before giving any information. This may require a call back to the agency on the general number. Parent permission should be sought before sharing information with outside agencies except in the case of the police requiring information as part of an ongoing investigation.
Staff Recruitment and Retention

The nursery manager will organise and maintain a safe recruitment and retention programme for all staff. All staff will have an enhanced DBS checked initially and at regular intervals during the time they are employed at Ladybirds Nursery.

Staff are required to disclose any convictions, cautions, court orders, reprimands or warnings which may affect their suitability to work with children which have been received either before or during their employment at Ladybirds Nursery. Staff are asked to sign annually agreeing to disclosures and to agree to the manager updating their DBS check via the update service.

New staff, volunteers and committee members will be required to obtain an enhanced DBS and arrange for an update facility, this service will be paid for by the Langshott Ladybirds Nursery. The update facility applies to all enhanced DBS checks from June 2015. Staff, Volunteers and students will not have
unsupervised access or contact with children until a full DBS check has been completed satisfactorily.

Positive references for new staff (minimum of 3) must be received and include a statement on the applicant’s suitability to work with children before employment at Ladybirds Nursery.

References applied for by other employers with regard to staff or ex staff of the nursery are to be completed at the discretion of the Nursery Manager/DSL

New members of staff will be provided with induction and training prior to starting and throughout the first six months of probationary employment. The induction process will include ways to spot abuse and what to do if you suspect any member of staff of abuse, neglect or inappropriate behaviour.

Where Ladybirds Nursery becomes aware of relevant information which may lead to a disqualification of an employee or the registered provider, the nursery will take appropriate action to safeguard the children as stated in the section on allegations against a staff member. Following the nursery becoming
aware of relevant information with regard to disqualification of an employee a referral will be made using the DBS Referral Form to be found at Further information on procedures to follow can be found at this website and SSCB.

Ofsted will be informed of any staff members disqualified from working with children by the DBS or any disclosures made by staff about themselves or any other staff member.

In the event that a person is disqualified from working with children, they will not be allowed to continue in the employ of Langshott Ladybirds Nursery.

For further information please click here

Supporting Staff

Staff involved in cases where a child is at risk of harm or for whom they have expressed a concern may find the situation stressful or upsetting. These staff will have the opportunity to talk with the DSL who will obtain further support for the staff member if required.

Allegations made against individuals who work or volunteer at Langshott Ladybirds Nursery:

Allegations that a staff member –

  • Has or may have harmed a child
  • May have committed a criminal offence relating to a child
  • Behaved towards a child in a way that indicates they might pose a risk of harm if working regularly or closely with children.
  • May have regular contact with or reside with a person who may have committed a criminal offence in relation to a child.

must always be reported to the DSL.

Langshott Ladybirds Nursery will respond to any disclosure by children or staff or other that abuse by a member of staff or volunteer within the setting, may have, or is, taking place.

Any such complaint is referred immediately to the LADO for investigation. Such alleged incidents will also be reported to Ofsted. (We are aware that it is an offence not to do this.)

Ladybirds staff and volunteers will be given advice on ways to protect themselves from wrongful allegations at their induction.

Langshott Ladybirds has a complaints policy explaining how to complain about behaviour or actions of staff or volunteers within Ladybirds Nursery.

We respond to any inappropriate behaviour displayed by staff or any other person working with the children, these include:

  • inappropriate sexual comments
  • excessive one to one attention beyond the usual requirements of the staff role
  • inappropriate sharing of images


  • Staff will be given information on what to do if they suspect or hear that another member of staff may be unsuitable to work with children.
  • Confidentiality should be maintained on a need to know basis.
  • Staff must report to the DSL, any allegations made against other members of staff or information gained about their unsuitability to work with children.
  • Allegations against the DSL should be reported directly to the Management Committee of Ladybirds Nursery (Chair) and OFSTED.
  • On obtaining information regarding allegations made against a member of staff the DSL will report the matter to OFSTED and the LADO (contact LADO on 0300 123 1650). Further information on contact and the process for reporting is held within the Safeguarding File under LADO). This will happen within 24 hours (followed by a letter to Ofsted within 14 days)and whether the allegations relate to harm or abuse on the premises or elsewhere.
  • DSL will report the allegation to the Management Committee of the Ladybirds Nursery, and seek further advice from the Early Years and Childcare Service before possibly suspending the staff member on full pay, or the volunteer, during any investigations. Further advice will be sought from the ACAS website to ensure the legal requirements to the business and of the staff member. Employee dismissal in the case of proved child abuse or disclosure of convictions, cautions, court
    orders, reprimands or warnings relating to child abuse, or, any significant event which is likely to affect the suitability of any person who is in regular contact with children at Ladybirds will be reported to
    OFSTED and to the Independent Safeguarding Authority, DBS. This will also include where a member of staff has resigned following allegation or disclosure.
  • The nursery will co-operate entirely with any investigation carried out by Children’s social care in conjunction with the police.
  • The nursery will notify OFSTED of the action taken in respect of allegations as soon as reasonably practical and within 14 days of the allegations being made.
  • Where a member of staff or a volunteer has been dismissed due to engaging in activities that caused concern for the safeguarding of children or vulnerable adults, we will notify the Disclosure and Barring
    Service of the relevant information. Individuals who pose a threat to children can be identified and barred from working with children and vulnerable adults.
Are you concerned about your child’s online safety?
Take a look at the following sites for advice and support
  • Staff will be given information on what to do if they suspect or hear that another member of staff may be unsuitable to work with children
  • Confidentiality should be maintained on a need to know basis
  • Staff must report to the DSL, any allegations made against other members of staff or information gained about their unsuitability to work with children.
  • Allegations against the DSL should be reported directly to the Management Committee of Ladybirds Nursery (Chair) and OFSTED.
  • On obtaining information regarding allegations made against a member of staff the DSL will report the matter to OFSTED and the LADO (contact LADO on 0300 123 1650). Further information on contact and the process for reporting is held within the Safeguarding File under LADO). This will happen within 24 hours (followed by a letter to Ofsted within 14 days)and whether the allegations relate to harm or abuse on the premises or elsewhere.
  • DSL will report the allegation to the Management Committee of the Ladybirds Nursery, and seek further advice from the Early Years and Childcare Service before possibly suspending the staff member on full pay , or the volunteer, during any investigations. Further advice will be sought from the ACAS website to ensure the legal requirements to the business and of the staff member.
  • Employee dismissal in the case of proved child abuse or disclosure of convictions, cautions, court orders, reprimands or warnings relating to child abuse, or,  any significant event which is likely to affect the suitability of any person who is in regular contact with children at Ladybirds will be reported to OFSTED and to the Independent Safeguarding Authority, DBS. This will also include where a member of staff has resigned following allegation or disclosure.
  • The nursery will co-operate entirely with any investigation carried out by Children’s social care in conjunction with the police.
  • The nursery will notify OFSTED of the action taken in respect of allegations as soon as reasonably practical and within 14 days of the allegations being made.
  • Where a member of staff or a volunteer has been dismissed due to engaging in activities that caused concern for the safeguarding of children or vulnerable adults, we will notify the Disclosure and Barring Service of the relevant information. Individuals who pose a threat to children can be identified and barred from working with children and vulnerable adults.

Policy written with information and guidance from Surrey Safeguarding Children’s Partnership Procedures Manual ,with regard to the Statutory Framework for the EYFS 2023, download at

Prevent Duty Guidance 2015

Multi-agency statutory guidance on FGM 2016
Child exploitation 2017
Information sharing advice for practitioners providing safeguarding services 2018

The Foundation Years Team/Local Authority Surrey County Council

What to do if you are worried a child is being abused March 2015

The Government’s statutory guidance Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018
The Children’s Act 1989 and 2004
Children and Families Act 2014 and Childcare Act 2006
Keeping children safe in education 2023

NSPCC Hackett tool : (Sexualised behaviour in children)

A copy of Working Together to Safeguard Children and Effective Family Resilience Surrey, can be found at

More advice can be found at : information sharing advice for safeguarding (

The Children and Families Act 2014 is available at

Useful contacts
The internet watch foundation to report illegal images and child sex abuse material

The child exploitation and Online Protection Centre for concerns
of online abuse or of the way someone is communicating online.

Policy reviewed and updated February 2024

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